Photo ID number: C11030_NS

Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: avenue G 2, street G 7500, G 7620, avenue G 1, G 7812, G 7610+7620, G 7430-7440, G 7310-7320

Description: Small alabaster objects: top row: [avenue G 2] 24-11-245 (kohl pot), [street G 7500] 25-2-776 (= MFA 25.2419, jar), [N of G 7620] 25-2-913 (fragment of jar), [street G 7500] 25-2-775 (= MFA 25.2418, jar), 25-2-777 (= MFA 25.2420, jar), [N of Khufu temple entrance] 24-12-637 (kohl pot); bottom row: [avenue G 1] 24-11-802 (= MFA 24.2619, fragment of jar), [G 7812] 25-1-1188 (= MFA 25.1963, kohl pot), [N of G 7610+7620: G 7620] 25-2-912 (jar), [G 7430-7440: G 7430 C] 25-2-174 (= MFA 25.2165, jar), [G 7310-7320: G 7320 X] 25-1-854 (= MFA 25.1857, neck of jar)

Photo date: 11/04/1925