Photo ID number: C11777_NS

Photo subjects: People & places: Site: Giza; View: Giza, G 7210-7220

Description: Visit of Queen Elizabeth of Belgium: Queen Elizabeth (light dress, with parasol) and George Reisner (pointing with cane), cemetery G 7000, at G 7210-7220: G 7210 exterior chapel, looking NNW from on top of G 7310-7320: G 7310 toward Khedive Ismail rest-house (built in 1869, demolished by King Farouk in 1944, who built his rest-house in 1946; architect: Mustapha Fahmy Pasha)

Photo date: 03/11/30

Literature reference: see photo of Queen Elizabeth playing quoits on board the Esperia on her way to Egypt in March 1930, published in Alain Blottière, Vintage Egypt. Cruising the Nile in the Golden Age of Travel (Pollina: Flammarion, 2003), p. 16