Photo ID number: A841_NS

Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2381

Description: Senedjemib Complex: copper and stone model vessels from G 2381 Z: top row: 12-12-142 (one of four neckless shoulder jars), 12-12-143 (neckless shoulder jar with spout [ewer]), 12-12-144 (hes-vase with spout), 12-12-142 (two of four neckless shoulder jars), 12-12-145 (jar with flaring mouth); middle row: 12-12-158a (set of four basalt and quartzite vessels from an Opening of the Mouth set; quartzite bottle = Cairo JE 44423, basalt bottle = JE 44424, basalt cup = JE 44425), 12-12-142 (one of four neckless shoulder jars, decayed), 12-12-146 (hes-vase), 12-12-147 (jar); bottom row: 12-12-148 (five jars on stands), 12-12-149 (censer), 12-12-150 (cylindrical cup)

Photo date: 01/12/1913