Result 860 of 1025

Display page dates: 10/06/1935; 10/07/1935

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 140

Sunday, October 6, 1935 (continued)

(1) G 2357 (continued)
G 2357 Y [= G 5561 Y]: In shaft and chamber. It is north of X, and south of Z. Lined with dubsh above and mud brick below. Total depth 2.7 meters. Limestone debris and black debris. Chamber on north cut in rock. No blocking. Found in chamber debris: head and bones of a body. Cleared. Drawing.


G 2357 Z [= G 5561 Z]: In shaft and chamber. It is north of Y. Lined with stones above and rock below. Total depth 1.4 meters. Chamber on west lined with mud brick. The door lintel and the roof lined with stones. No blocking. Cleared. Drawing.


Monday, October 7, 1935

Work on
(1) G 2357 U, V, P, Q, R, S, T [= G 5561]

(1) G 2357
G 2357 U [= G 5561 U]: In shaft and chamber. It is at the very end of the mastaba on southwest side. It is south of W. Lined with dubsh above and rock below. Total depth 4.6 meters. Limestone debris, dubsh, black debris and sand. Chamber on east. Cut in rock. No blocking. A coffin cut in rock from north to south without lid appears in the chamber. Found in chamber debris: some bones of a body. Cleared. Drawing on page 141.

G 2357 V [= G 5561 V]: In shaft. It is north of W and south of X. Lined with dubsh. On south lined with mud brick between this shaft and shaft W. Total depth 2.3 meters. Dubsh, black debris and limestone debris. Chamber on north lined with stones, dubsh and mud brick. Roofed with three stones. No blacking. A coffin cut in rock from north to south without lid appears in chamber. Cleared. Drawing on page 141.

microfilm: end page 140

End of Diary Transcription
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