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Display page dates: 12/07/1935

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 211

Reis's Diary, Typed Translation: December 7, 1935 - April 30, 1936
Giza Diary, 1935

Saturday, December 7, 1935

Work on
(1) G 2196 E
(2) G 2187 G
(3) G 2196 I
(4) G 2347 Y [= G 5551]
(5) G 2357 O [= G 5561]
(6) G 2359 [= G 5552]
(7) G 2391 B
(8) G 4519 L (Not G 2519 as typed)
(9) G 4812 D
(10) G 4816 A
(11) G 4911 H

(1) G 2186
G 2186 E: Removed the bones and the fragments of cloth from the coffin, and cleared the chamber. Drawing.


[Drawing of mastabas: G 2184, G 2190, G 2186]


microfilm: end page 211

End of Diary Transcription
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