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Display page dates: 12/03/1935; 12/04/1935

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 204

Tuesday, December 3, 1935
Day of rest.

Wednesday, December 4, 1935

Work on
(1) G 2359 A [= G 5552]
(2) G 4511 B, H
(3) G 4514 A, B, C, D
(4) G 4714 A
(5) G 4911 K

(1) G 2359
G 2359 A [= G 5552 A]: In shaft. Lined with dubsh above and underneath mud brick and rock below. It is in the end of the mastaba on north it is south of mastaba G 2347. Total depth 3.9 meters. White limestone debris and dubsh. Chamber on west. Cut in rock. No blocking. Coffin cut in rock from north to south without lid and found empty appears in the chamber. Cleared. Drawing.


(2) G 4511
G 4511 B: Removed the body from the chamber. Found open and empty. Drawing.


G 4511 H: Removed the body from the chamber. Found open and empty. Drawing.


microfilm: end page 204

End of Diary Transcription
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