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Display page dates: 12/04/1915; 12/05/1915

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 55

Saturday, December 4, 1915 (continued)

[G 3008 (continued)]
each figure.
N.B. saw the mud brick vault (no. 3) with interlocking bricks [ILLUSTRATION].

Sunday, December 5, 1915
day 39

Work on
(1) G 4715 pits A and B
(2) G 4714 top and pit A
(3) G 4811 pit B
(4) front of G 4611 (G 4613)

(1) G 4715
In G 4715 A was found the front part of the basis (and toes of one foot) of a statuette [15-12-13] of hard yellow limestone (in two pieces). This was a separate piece pegged on the main piece [ILLUSTRATION]. In G 4715 was found fragments of several bowl (R.P. [red polished?] ware, recurved rims [ILLUSTRATION]) [15-12-17, 15-12-18], some faded faience cylinder beads [15-12-16], some gold leaf [15-12-15], and a mud sealing with seal impression [15-12-19].
"House of User-en-Ra" supposed by Bochardt (User-en-Ra [Niuserre] page____) to be the pyramid temple of U. See also Vyse and Perring "Pyramids of Giza" III page 17 plate.


This is undoubtedly the impression of the seal of an official of the pyramid of User-en-Ra [Niuserre]. The structure in which the pit occurs is not earlier than the complex G 4810 and this in turn is later than the causeway to G 5230 (i.e. later than G 5230)


(2) G 4714
Work continued on top of G 4714, beginning pit A to the northeast of O, a stone faced pit.

(3) G 4811
Pit G 4811 B built against the north face of G 4714, was cleared. The chamber is to the east with its long axis north and south. In the chamber, still in place, were the following: a fluted column and basis of an alabaster head rest [15-12-20] (possibly not the same one) [ILLUSTRATION], four limestone canopic jars, alabaster models [15-12-21], pottery models and fragments of wood. The coffin had been opened at the north

microfilm: end page 55

End of Diary Transcription
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