Result 4 of 1025

Display page dates: 01/10/1935; 01/11/1935

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 3

Thursday, January 10, 1935 (continued)

(2) G 1111 (continued)
[Drawing of G 1111 B]


(3) G 1208
G 1208 B: Down 6.95 meters. Sand, limestone debris and dubsh. Chamber II appears on east blocked with stone. Limestone coffin in the chamber. Found in shaft three small dishes (alabaster) [35-1-7].

Friday, January 11, 1935

Work on
(1) G 1025b C
(2) G 1047 D
(3) G 1208 B
(4) G 1219 B, C
[(5) G 1217]

(1) G 1025b
G 1025b C: Very small pit lined with dubsh. Total depth 1.65. Sand and rakash. Chamber on north lined with dubsh and roofed with stones. Scattered bones [35-1-8]. Drawing.


(2) G 1047
G 1047 D: Lined with mud brick, below lined with stones. Rock below. Down to 3 meters. Black debris, rakash and dubsh. Chamber not reached.

(3) G 1208
G 1208 B: Total depth 7.55 meters. Sand, limestone debris and dubsh. Found in debris in shaft: one small alabaster dish [35-1-7].

[(5)] G 1217
On top of mastaba. Sand, limestone debris and dubsh. Found in debris: potsherds.

(4) G 1219
G 1219 B: Lined with mud brick on three sides east, west, south on north lined with stones. Total depth 85 cm. Sand, black and limestone debris. No chamber.

G 1219 C: Excavated before 3.2 meters. Lined with mud brick. Rock below. Total depth 3.7 meters. Sand, limestone debris and black debris. Chamber on east small. No blocking. Drawing on page 4.

microfilm: end page 3

End of Diary Transcription
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