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Display page dates: 12/18/1915; 12/19/1915

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 10

Saturday, December 18, 1915 (continued)

[(6) G 4712 (continued)]
See Lepsius Giza Tomb 86. L.D. II, 14 a. Erg. I, page 102 ff. Later than Khafre. The chamber of G 4712 is lower than the apparent floor of the street between G 4712 and G 4714.


(7) G 4714
Cleared pit B in G 4714, possibly a serdab descends only to rock (?).

(8) West of G 4510
Laying railroad west of G 4510.

Sunday, December 19, 1915
day 51

Work on
(1) G 4611
(2) G 4613 C[1]
(3) G 4712
(4) G 4714
(5) G 4510
(6) G 4614 A

(1) G 4611
Cleared offering chamber of G 4611.

(2) G 4613
Removed the walls of the upper (later) pit in G 4613 C[1]. The walls of the lower pit have been cut away down to rock surface, the lower pit is probably a pit of the older mastaba (denuded) whose stela is visible in front of G 4613.


microfilm: end page 10

End of Diary Transcription
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