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Display page dates: 12/28/1915; 12/29/1915

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 17

Tuesday, December 28, 1915
day 58

Work on
(1) pit G 4410 A
(2) area south of G 4410 chapel
(3) pit G 4411 A.

(1) G 4410
Pit G 4410 A finished. Plundered, skull [15-12-81], calf bones [15-12-82], pottery (including foreign), limestone [canopics] [15-12-61], etc. Piece mud seal [15-12-49] [GLYPHS] cf. seal found in G 4715 B December 5 [GLYPHS].

(2) South of G 4410 chapel
South of G 4410 chapel clearing small mastabas of sand.

(3) G 4411
Began G 4411 A.

Wednesday, December 29, 1915
day 59

Work on
(1) pit G 4411 A
(2) south of G 4410 chapel

(1) G 4411
Pit [G 4411] A. Down about 14 meters. Drift sand. Emptied inside cemetery.

(2) South of G 4410 chapel
Clearing sand etc. south of G 4410 chapel and west of G 4513 (see map on page 16).


microfilm: end page 17

End of Diary Transcription
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