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Display page dates: 12/29/1915; 12/30/1915; 12/31/1915

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 18

Wednesday, December 29, 1915 (continued)

Went to lunch with Bates. He had given Dunham L 170 (pounds sterling) for Gamai. If we go on, and exceed this, the H.U.B.M.F.A. Expedition pays. Bates to publish whole. Subscription for Kerma L 400 (pounds sterling), of which L 250 (pounds sterling) to be paid here and L 150 (pounds sterling) to my account at Lee Higginson and Company.
Also saw Judge Krabites.

Thursday, December 30, 1915
day 60

Work on
(1) pit G 4411 A
(2) south of G 4410 offering room

(1) G 4411
G 4411 A: Nearly finished. Still sand also in chamber.

(2) South of G 4410 chapel
Sand out westward nearly level with front of G 4414.

In evening I lectured with lantern slides on Giza and Kerma for the soldiers in the Y.M.C.A. but at Mena Camp. 8 to 9:15. Unusual calm on both fronts. Some days ago, a concentration of German-Bulgarians in the Danube was reported. Are these troops intended for Egyptian campaign? Are the Germans preparing for a winter offensive against Egypt?
Telegram yesterday afternoon from Crowfoot permitting me to bring Miss Merkel to Sudan under usual guarantees.

Friday, December 31, 1915
day 61

Work on
(1) Pit G 4411 A
(2) south of G 4410
(3) pit G 4310

(1) G 4411
Finished pit G 4411 A. Completely plundered.

(2) South of G 4410
Finished clearing to face of G 4414 and began clearing south of G 4410.

(3) G 4310
Began clearing G 4310.


The masonry pit is large as in other mastabas. The rock pit narrows. Just under the rock level is a chamber which has been plundered. The pit goes on down - clean white limestone debris.

microfilm: end page 18

End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document