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Display page dates: 11/02/1915

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 26

Tuesday, November 2, 1915 (continued)

The small mastabas on the north were embedded in hard debris and covered with a layer of sandy debris. On this stones and debris from the northeast corner of G 5230 W. In the street between G 5230 W and N, the pile of stones from the destruction of the northeast corner of G 5230 W and the top back course of G 5230 N presents a considerable difficulty.


Part of these are being rolled south into the courtyard of G 5230 (floor found destroyed) and part north into street north of G 5230. As the work is crowded owing to the above difficulty, arranged to put part of men at work preparing for the clearing west of G 4910 and G 4920.


microfilm: end page 26

End of Diary Transcription
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