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Display page dates: 11/13/1915; 11/14/1915

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 36

Saturday, November 13, 1915 (continued)

I. line going west through what appears to be a broad street.
II. line along face G 4611.
III. line over serdab G 4611 to III and the sand between G 4710. At (x) [CIRCLED] a lot of animal bones cow, calf, etc.
IV. line to G 4810 present work.

Sunday, November 14, 1915
day 21

Work on
(1) pit G 4940 A
(2) complex G 4810
(3) railroad line I
(4) railroad line III street east of G 4610

(1) G 4940
Finished chamber of pit G 4940 A. Completely plundered. Only a few potsherds of foreign type [ILLUSTRATION] of flinty red ware, with finely ribbed exterior surface; all parts of one jar. Also stem of wooden head rest [ILLUSTRATION] decayed; a hard fine gray sandstone with marks of tool whetting including green stain and an irregular black granite (?) piece with one dressed surface.

(2) G 4810 complex
Continued clearing sand from rooms of G 4810. The complex is G 4810; the separate mastabas are G 4811, G 4812, G 4813, G 4814, etc.


The earliest and core building so far as now visible is G 4811 with rooms II and II, pit A and serdab S. The court O I as far as the double line manifestly served G 4811 and was perhaps in existence before the construction of G 4812 (see spacing of pillars). The rest of the building to the north of G 4812 seems to be all of one date but its relation to G 4813 is not yet clear. The rooms except O VII were all filled with loose drift sand (probably cleared by Schiaparelli).

(3) Railroad line I
Railroad line I, running west between G 4611 (Lepsius 50) and Great Wall, has encountered (about half way of south end of G 4611) an enormous limestone block fallen from the great wall with several more larger blocks beyond (to the west).
Work stopped until

microfilm: end page 36

End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:

Ernesto Schiaparelli Italian, 1856–1928
MFA Document