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Display page dates: 03/06/1912; 03/07/1912; 03/08/1912

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 54

Wednesday, March 6, 1912 (continued)

[G 2200 = G 5080 (continued)]
away the east b wall from the northern corner to the chamber. This brought them into the chamber where they tore partly down but did not take away the northern and eastern walls. A basin was set in the floor before the southern niche but is now missing. The chamber was filled with sand - hard packed drift sand, certainly more than a century in place.

[ILLUSTRATION] G 2200 [= G 5080]. X old excavation filled with sand.
N.B. There are several other Seshem-nefers whose tombs are known at Giza - Lepsius 45 [= G 4940], Steindorff's tomb of year before last, etc.

Thursday, March 7, 1912

[G 2200 = G 5080]
Chamber of Seshem-nefer tomb cleared to floor. Treasure hunters have torn out the door socket. Fragments of broken reliefs were found.

Fragment of black stone statuette was found in debris of pit of Lepsius 23 [= G 2000]

Friday, March 8, 1912

[G 2200 = G 5080]
Cut away debris behind Seshem-nefer chamber in hopes of finding a statue chamber but was disappointed. The debris was interesting. The chamber had apparently been


microfilm: end page 54

End of Diary Transcription
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