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Display page dates: 01/17/1926

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 150

Sunday, January 17, 1926 (continued)

(3) G 7000 SW (southwest), trench 32
Removed grave xxiv [G 7000 SW 24] in trench 32 and examined west end of rubble wall (retaining wall for east side of quarry (road ?) and found the wall broken away under south end of xxiv. Pushing trench 32 further north about a meter beyond xxiv came on the south face of an east-west rubble wall and ordered this wall followed out.

(4) G 7050
In course of clearing Street G 7000 S, continued exposing east face of G 7050, to north side of recess for offering room. The size and position of this tomb and its structural type seems to indicate that it is not later than Khafre's reign, that its owner was of the Khufu family. Further the order of the three tombs south of G I-c was clearly (1) G 7050; (2) G 7060 (Lepsius 57); and (3) G 7070 (Lepsius 56). Now as G 7060 was the father of G 7070, it is possible that G 7050 was the tomb of the mother of G 7060:
1) G 7050--?Princess Nefretkau eldest daughter of Sneferu (and wife of Khufu?).
2) G 7060--Prince Nefermaat son of Nefretkau.
3) G 7070--Sneferukhaf, son of Nefermaat.

(5) G 7150
Addition iii: removed heavy stone blocks lying on sifted debris in addition and threw them over south wall.
G 7150 B: On the east worked down to 5.2 meters and found that this is really a large pit descending into the rock. The height of the south wall of i to rock is 4.2 meters.
G 7150 C: Breaking and removing large stone.
G 7150 D: Down 1.2 meters on mixed debris of Saite-Ptolemaic date.

microfilm: end page 150

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