Result 5 of 39

Display page dates: 01/18/1926

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 151

Monday, January 18, 1926
54th day of work.

Plan of Street G 7000 etc. south of G I-c and G 7140.

G 7070
Lepsius 56
G 7060
Lepsius 57
Avenue G 4
Pyramid G I-c
G 7050
recess unexcavated
probably a limiting wall of addition to Isis cemetery
a late crude brick wall on stone f. c. [= foundation course]
Old rubble enclosing wall. The debris of masons' rubbish is higher on this, the north side.
Southern face of another old rubble wall parallel to the northern old rubble wall.
Probably the southern limitation wall of the cemetery of the Isis Temple.
The plane G 7150 is built over old rubble enclosure wall.
plane 7150
G 7150
old rubble wall broken through by mastaba G 7150
G 7140

microfilm: end page 151

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