Result 11 of 139

Display page dates: 12/03/1924; 12/04/1924

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 43

Wednesday, December 3, 1924 (continued)

(4) G 7101
Clearing away the hard debris north of G 7110 and east of G 7101 D, E. Came on a chamber sunk in the rock which seems to be part of G 7101 and receives now that number.
In the debris of stair, found large and some small fragments - of good relief - name of Mery-ra-nefer (Dynasty 6). The section of the side of the sunk room is as



The inscription below the eave gives the same name Mery-ra-nefer = Qar. Rowe on looking in B.M. Guide to Sculptures noted Stelae Nos. 75 and 76 of a man of the same name said to be from Giza.

Thursday, December 4, 1924
Thirtieth day of work.

M. De la Roque called at excavations, gave me a copy of his report of Abu Roash.

Quftis: 85
locals: 122
Total: 207

Carts of debris
main line: 512
[2nd] line: 97
Total: 609
Decrease due to long carry at (1) and (4).

Work on:
(1) G I-a, north side, [avenue G 0]
(2) G 7110 etc street
(3) G 7110 pit B
(4) G 7120 - G 7130 east-west street [avenue G 2]
(5) G 7101

(1) Avenue G 0
G I-a, north side. Continue working west along north face of G I-a. Reaches west of entrance passage. Entrance passage is contained in massive structure with sloping courses built before the pyramid. Pyramid courses built over it


In debris: basis of a small seated statuette alabaster [GLYPHS]

microfilm: end page 43

End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document