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Display page dates: 11/09/1924

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 16

Sunday, November 9, 1924 (continued)

(3) Avenue G 2
Street between G 7130 and G 7120. Cleared to about one-third way through the street between G 7130 and G 7120. The trodden floor is 50 - 20 cm higher here than at the back of G 7130.
(A) Old debris containing abundance of Old Kingdom potsherds (more later), not the hard packed debris of the area south of the temple.
(B) trodden floor of Ptolemaic-Roman period with bins. The floor (including tops of casing) and the walls of the mastaba cores are smoke-blacked by fires built on the floor.
(C) layer of black debris containing Ptolemaic-Roman potsherds and objects.
(D) deposits of decayed limestone laid down since the Ptolemaic-Roman period.

(4) G 7131
At a depth of 7 meters reached doorway of chamber in G 7131, pit. On south as usual. Dirty debris (Ptolemaic-Roman) descends to bottom and into chamber, and contains seven small objects and fragments of Ptolemaic-Roman period. Cleared length of doorway (there was no door-block) to permit view of interior which contains a good deal of debris.

microfilm: end page 16

End of Diary Transcription
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