Result 11 of 35

Display page dates: 10/16/1935; 10/17/1935

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 148

Wednesday, October 16, 1935 (continued)

(1) G 2196 (continued)
G 2196 G: In shaft. It is west of D, north of B and south of H. Lined with dubsh above. Down 1.2 meters. Limestone debris, dubsh and stones. Chamber I appears. It was lined with dubsh from north to south. The roof gone. On south in the shaft the chamber cut into the building in the place of the two legs of the body. Body appears, head on north. Body left for photo. Not reached the rock in shaft.

G 2196 H: In the shaft. It is north of G, west of E and south of I. Lined with dubsh above. Down 2.25 meters. Limestone debris and dubsh. Chamber I appears in the middle of the shaft from north to south. Roofed with three stones and bound mud. The chamber roof left for photo. Not reached the rock in shaft. Drawing of the chamber roof.


G 2196 I: In shaft. It is north of H and west of F. It is in the end of the mastaba on northwest side. Lined with dubsh above. Down 1.5 meters. Drift sand. Not reached the rock in shaft. Not reached the chamber.

Thursday, October 17, 1935

Work on
(1) G 2188 Y
(2) G 2196 I, Y, Z

(1) G 2188
G 2188 Y: Removed the inscribed stone [35-10-22], which we found in the building of the shaft to the Camp. Sketch of the inscribed stone on page 161

(2) G 2196
G 2196 I: In the shaft. Rock below. Down 4.6 meters. Drift sand and underneath limestone debris, black debris and some potsherds. Chamber I appears on west. Cut in rock. Blocked with two stones and bound with mud. Found in shaft debris: many offering models cups and dishes. Chamber I blocking left for photo. Not reached the rock in shaft.

G 2196 Y: In shaft and chamber. It is east of E, north of X and south of Z. Lined with stones. Total depth 3 meters. Excavated before 2.2 meters. Black debris and limestone debris. Chamber on south. Lined with stones and dubsh. Roofed with stones. No blocking. Found in chamber debris: broken bones of body. Cleared. Drawing on page 149.

microfilm: end page 148

End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:

Abutiu (in G 2188)
MFA Document