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Display page dates: 11/09/1912; 11/10/1912; 11/11/1912

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 33

Saturday, November 9, 1912

Work on G 2370, chapel and mud-brick mastaba. In southeast, about 2 meters inside outer wall appears the outer wall of an older mastaba.
At X above, a curious collection of objects [12-11-25], wrapped in rags and in newspaper, English newspapers of comparatively recent date (N.Y. stock market telegram, Thursday, December 3 - 930000 shares). Piece of matchbox. The objects evidently formed stock-in-trade of some dealer in antiquities - coins, bronzes, scarabs, beads, hematite weight, nummulites, bits of wood, pebbles etc. A pottery Bes-figure is a forgery, and perhaps some of the other objects. Others are manifestly genuine. So this is not a cache, being aged. Nor is it a lot buried to be found by tourists, as is shown by the rags and newspapers. It has been buried over several years at least. Has some Arab stolen these things from another, buried them and lost the place?

Sunday, November 10, 1912

Work proceeding on G 2370. Found seat of limestone statuette [12-11-26] in room in front of outer serdab [room b = room III on published plan], feet in serdab.


Monday, November 11, 1912

To Cairo. Saw Maspero at Museum. He showed me letter from Lord E. Cecil, demanding sale of duplicates in the Museum and strict enforcement of half-and-half division with excavators - on plea

microfilm: end page 33

End of Diary Transcription
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