Result 5 of 16

Display page dates: 05/28/1939; 05/29/1939

Diary Transcription: page 823

microfilm: begin page 823

Sunday, May 28, 1939 (continued)

(9) G 2246 (continued)
G 2430. Drawing of mastaba.


Monday, May 29 1939

Work on:
(1) G 2073 C
(2) G 2075 D(2)
(3) G 2243 G
(4) G 2430 A

(1) G 2073
G 2073 C: In shaft and chamber. Lined above with rubble and rock cut below. It is north of B, south of D, underneath the chamber of shaft B on north. Total depth 3.35 meters. Stones, and rubble from chamber on shaft B and underneath limestone debris, rubble and stones. In from of the chamber white limestone debris. Chamber on east. cut in rock. No blocking. Cleared. Drawing.


microfilm: end page 823

End of Diary Transcription
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