Related Objects
Results 1 to 10 of 16
Sorted AscendingTitleRelated PeopleDate of EntryInv. No.
Faience amulet of uraeus and faience beads" 11/23/191515-11-68c
Fragment of alabaster statue" 03/08/191414-3-17
Fragment of faience ushabti" 11/23/191515-11-68b
Fragment of pottery bowl" 03/06/1914 - 03/10/191414-3-12
Fragment of pottery jar" 03/06/1914 - 03/10/191414-3-9
Fragment of pottery jar" 03/06/1914 - 03/10/191414-3-11
Fragment of pottery jar" 03/06/1914 - 03/10/191414-3-13
Fragment of pottery jar" 03/06/1914 - 03/10/191414-3-15
Fragments of painted plaster" 11/23/191515-11-68a
Fragments of pottery" 03/06/1914 - 03/10/191414-3-14