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Site: Giza; view: G 4911

Photo ID number: TUR_NEGB2904
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 4911
Limestone false door of Ankhtef from G 4911; Ankhtef depicted on both outer jambs, his wife Djefat represented with him on north outer jamb (detail, lower part): Museo Egizio, Turin, TUR_S.1846 // Falsa porta della Mastaba di Ankhtifi, "il conosciuto del re", "sacerdote puro del re", "addetto al culto de Cheope" rappresentato stante sul montante sinistro. La moglie, "la sua amata, Gefat", e' raffigurata con lui sul montante destro.
Photographer: Museo Egizio, Turin
Photo date: circa 1903
Problems/Questions: Problem: image reversed (TUR)
MET 02 : Architecture / Architectural element: False door