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Site: Giza; View: G 8080

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  • General Plan of Central Field
  • Site: Giza; View: G 8080
  • Site: Giza; View: G 8080
  • Site: Giza; View: G 8080
  • Site: Giza; View: G 8080
  • Site: Giza; View: G 8080
  • Site: Giza; View: G 8080
  • Site: Giza; View: G 8080
  • Site: Giza; View: G 8080
  • Site: Giza; View: G 8080
  • Site: Giza; View: G 8080
Central Field (Hassan): G 8080
Lepsius No: LG 92
Lepsius No: L.92
Hassan No.: Prince Iwn-Mn.w
Abou-Ghazi No (ASAE 58 [1964]): 130
Hassan No.: Iwn-Mn.w
Lepsius No: Lepsius 92
Half-mastaba/half rock-cut
PorterMoss Date: End of Dynasty 4
Tomb Owner: Iuenmin (G 8080)

Excavator: (Karl) Richard Lepsius
German, 1810–1884

Excavator: Selim Hassan (Bey)
Egyptian, 1886–1961

Attested: Khamerernebty (in G 8080)
Shafts: S 1547; S 1549; S 1550; S 1551; S 1632; S 1687; serdab; antechamber; inner chapel; outer chapel; S 1634
Remarks: Mastaba built southeast of G 8090 (Lepsius 90) and G 8091 (Lepsius 91). S 1634 south of S 1551 appears to be intrusive. Excavated in 1935-1936 by Hassan.
Selected bibliographical references:
Bárta, Miroslav. "The Title Inspector of the Palace during the Egyptian Old Kingdom." Archiv Orientální 67, No. 1 (February, 1999), p. 4, fig. 3.

Hassan, Selim. Excavations at Gîza 7: 1935-1936. The Mastabas of the Seventh Season and their Description. Cairo: Government Press, 1953, pp. 13-20, figs. 8-16, pl. 16-17.

Hassan, Selim. Excavations at Gîza 9: 1936-37-38. The Mastabas of the Eighth Season and their Description. Cairo: General Organisation for Government Printing Offices, 1960, folded plan, F/G-13/14.

Jánosi, Peter. "' intact burial-chamber belonging to a great lady of the Royal Family of the Fourth Dynasty' oder: Wo waren Chephrens Tochter bestattet?." In Antje Spiekermann, ed. Zur Zierde gereicht. . . Festschrift Bettina Schmitz zum 60. Geburtstag am 24. Juli 2008, HIldesheimer Ägyptologische Beiträge 50. Hildesheim: Verlag Gebrüder Gerstenberg, 2008, pp. 133-134, note 36, fig. 1.

Jánosi, Peter. Giza in der 4 Dynastie: Die Baugeschichte und Belegung einer Nekropole des Alten Reiches. Band 1: Die Mastabas der Kernfriedhöfe und die Felsgräber. Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie 30. Untesuchungen der Zweigstelle Kairo des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes 24. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2005, fig. 71 after p. 302.

Lehmann, Katja. Der Serdab in den Privatgräbern des Alten Reiches 1-3. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 2000, Kat. G332.

Lepsius, Denkmaeler Text 1, pp. 29, 113.

Lepsius, Denkmaeler 2, p. 34.

Mariette, Auguste. Les mastabas de l'ancien empire. Paris: F. Vieweg, 1889, pp. 543-545, 547-548.

Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L.B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings 3: Memphis (Abû Rawâsh to Dahshûr). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1931. 2nd edition. 3: Memphis, Part 1 (Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr), revised and augmented by Jaromír Málek. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1974, p. 237, plan 22, E-1/2.

Reisner, George A. A History of the Giza Necropolis 1. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1942, pp. 221 [3], 224, fig. 127.